Sunday, November 25, 2012

The pleasure of finding things out.

In this case, "things" is the limits of my own stupidity.
I am currently working on a partially modular analog synth.
For my oscillator, i am basically using This for the basic schematic design, although i am using a monolithic pair for the exponentiator, cut some of the frills, and routed it double-sided (Having an almost unbroken ground plane on one side) leaving a significantly smaller circuit board than the original. Anyway, i etched the first prototype and quickly soldered it up on friday, aand... it didnt work. worse, the OTA got ... hot. I didn't have much time for debugging, but i made a thorough inspection of the board (which after hosting several basic soldering courses i consider myself good at). i discovered one or to weak joints, and one small short, but nothing that should make it that bad. Today, i glance at the schematic, and instantly see the problem:

Original schematic:

My eagle schematic:

Palm, meet face.

Further reports of my adventures in (synthetic music / stupidity) will follow.