Tuesday, October 18, 2011

7400 logic E-reader, Part 2: Block diagrams!

In this post i will go into the workings of the circuit. I intend to mostly do this by large scale diagrams instead of exact wiring schematics, partially because it is implemented as a Big Mess Of Wire on my breadboard, and because i don't think anyone would be very interested in seeing exactly how i connect four 4-bit timers together to make a 16-bit timer, especially as the exact devices in use are not important to the project (the timer in use, 74hc193, was selected as "fast enough", and then by local price/availability)

I also assume that anyone wanting to attempt this probably will be competent and interested enough to both be able and willing to figure that out themselves. (if you for some strange reason should want to copy this, i think i will advice a counter with up/!down select instead of upclock + downclock). If someone has any questions about any specifics, i will gladly answer them.

I hope to get a rudimentary partlist and video of it operating out shortly.

The basic idea behind the project is that by generating the sweep from the digital address signal, i can generate a sweep with relatively few components without having to worry about any sync pulses, stable clocks or similar problems. (click to embiggen)

By feeding the same address directly into a pixel lookup table, i can generate a 256 by 256 B/W (or black and green) image from nothing but five ics and thirty-odd resistors.

The pixel lookup can be simplified by splitting it into a pixel-font lookup and a text lookup, allowing us to store one page of text (32*32 characters) in 10 address bits (1K) worth of data.

Page control can then be implemented by manipulating the remaining adress bits of the text eprom (up to six bits = 64 pages on a 27C512) and scrolling by manipulating the line part of the sweep between the dac and lookup.

I could only fit two counter + two adders on my breadboard, so i can currently only scroll 8 or 16 pages (with or without using the carry from the last adder), but this could quickly be expanded by moving parts of the circuit off the breadboard (and onto stripboard).

This could easily be combined with a "chapter select" counter or switch, allowing full use of the eprom in question.

Limitations / possible gotchas:

Newer eproms/other types of memory could have issues with my current method of addressing (e.g tying !oe and !cs low to ground and just feeding the address directly), although i think this could be remedied by a octal d-latch and clocking the relevant pins on the ic in question.

At least with my current setup with a breadboard and slow (10MHz) scope, there is a trade off between flicker and warping. This is probably fixable, as the point where flicker ends is just about exactly where the warping starts to become noticeable (a few MHz). I currently get around this by reversing the x scan direction, as this effect is greatest as the sweep returns. With the "normal" sweep direction, this is affects the first character on every line, but with the current configuration, this is only visible on the last char, which usually is a space.

Neat tidbit:

The Dacs are nothing but a 74hc buffer, one 10K resistor and seven 10K trimpots. I originally made a quick calculation, and concluded that i didn't have high enough precision resistors for a "pure" R-2R dac, but this solution allows me to adjust away any nonlinearities in my pixel distribution.

Ideas for further improvement:

Partially modularizing the ic into modules roughly equivalent to the block diagram. This will make further improvement / experiments easier to implement/unimplement

ZIF socket, to simplify switching "books"

Replacing the text lookup with a dual-port sram, allowing me to use it as a text display for another project. Unless timing* becomes an to big of an issue, i will probably implement this shortly.

8-bit blanking -> image display

Using the unused top half of the 8-bit ascii set for EE schematic symbols (and then documenting the circuit, using itself)

* my timing abuse, vs what the chip will accept.


Rough parts:

6x 74HC193 4-bit counter, for sweep and scroll

3x 74HC14 6-bit Schmitt inverter, for clock and reset generation, and for inverting y-axis

2x 74HC283 4-bit adder, for scrolling

1x 74HC151 8-bit mux, for sub-line select

2x 74HC541 8-bit buffer, one for each DAC

2+x 27C512 eprom

1x pot, for clock speed manipulation

1x quad-encoder

some 4000 logic chips i had lying around, for my improvised encoder decoder.

14-trimmer pots, some odd resistors and caps

a breadboard and a large (but not large enough) jumper wire set.


  1. You can save those resistors by using resettable sawtooth generator instead of DAC.

  2. Yes, but then you have a whole other set of fun problems getting the timing right (and stable) between the analog and digital part of the system. The reason i like this design, is the simplicity/foolprofness of simply having both data and sweep on the same clock, in addition to having a design using nothing but logic and resistors.
    (on the other hand, a sawtooth-type sweep would probably get rid of the sweep return -related problems in the design)

  3. I also just happened to have 16-odd 10K trimmer pots lying around, making this an easy&foolproof way to go about making sure the sweep position is stable and predictable with respect to the digital clock.
